The scene I will be talking about is after Said, Vinz and Hubert have just been told to get off the roof. They then go to sit in the park that is in the projects, this playground is lower than the street, like a bear pit/ enclosure. This scene shows that they don't leave to get stuff done or get decent jobs. They just hang around the projects talking to each other, wasting time. To show this the the screen fades to white quite quickly and then fades back. This is used to show time passing. they are positioned to how Said in the middle as Vinz and Hubert After the flash of white it goes straight into a conversation between the three of them about how Said had sex with someone, 'bigging' himself up to seem more masculine, this is the second time one of the three have 'bigged' them selves up. Vinz does it earlier on in the film, he is bragging about how he was in the riots. This shows the level of poverty they are in, being in conflict with the police. This is a com...
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